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Back in December a suit filed in the Los Angeles County Superior Court alleged that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles colluded with abusers to protect and promote them. Spokesman Tod Tamberg dismissed the accusation as \"preposterous.\" Well, now it turns out that one of the Cardinal's closest aides, Msgr. Richard A. Loomis, has been accused by two individuals of sexual misconduct. A remarkable coincidence. Let's take a look the concerns that motivate the good monsignor in this specimen from the e-mails hacked from Loomis's computer: From: [email protected]To: [email protected]; [email protected]Sent: 3/19/2002 9:27 PM Subject: Storm on the horizon I have learned that the Carmelites at Crespi High School are currently preparing an announcement for faculty, parents and students concerning Father Dominic Savino's removal from active ministry. Father Savino is the President of Crespi HS. I do not know when the announcement will be made but it will undoubtedly draw a great deal of public attention. The Carmelites are introspective as an order and may not think to warn us before notifying the school community. ... A complicating fact: I believe that Father Peter Liuzzi is being assigned to Crespi Carmelite HS as a faculty member. A representative of the \"Lay Catholic Mission\" has approached a Carmelite priest who occasionally helps here at Saint Charles to question \"the wisdom of assigning Father Liuzzi to an all-boy school.\" On top of that, Father Liuzzi and Father Savino have lived in the same community house for as long as I have worked at the ACC -- not quite seven years. They are close friends. I am not sure how many people know these facts and I would not want to tip my hand. Everything in this \"complicating fact\" paragraph would be tracked right back to me. I would not want it made public if it can be avoided. But my thought is that one issue might ignite the other in the press, both secular and retro-Catholic. -- Dick Got that Fr. Liuzzi's flat-mate and close friend got burned for boys. Liuzzi was (don't be shocked) the Cardinal's director of archdiocesan gay-lesbian ministry, a position in which he spread alarm and despondency among many Catholics, including those who put out the Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission, and whom Loomis is especially keen to keep in the dark. In her response to his e-mail, Mahony's staff lawyer Sr. Judy Murphy shares Loomis's concern and admits Liuzzi is gay, adding that \"the off the wall right wing throw-away newspaper has been gunning for him for years.\" Bless you, Sister! I hope it's clear that only a cynic, a blinkered ideologue, or a malicious anti-Catholic could see in these revelations anything but the wholesome efforts of God-fearing celibates, doing their best to bring the fullness of Christian life to the greater Los Angeles area. To suggest anything else is ... preposterous.
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