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David Icke Truth Vibrations: A Journey from TV Celebrity to World Visionary
David Icke is a writer and public speaker who has been exposing the global conspiracy of the New World Order for over 30 years. He is also a visionary who has experienced a spiritual awakening that led him to discover the truth about reality, consciousness, and the future of humanity.
In his book Truth Vibrations, he shares his personal story of how he went from being a professional footballer, TV presenter, and Green politician to a world-renowned researcher and author of groundbreaking books on the mysteries of life. He also reveals his prophetic insights into the events that are unfolding in the world today and what we can do to free ourselves from the mass hypnosis of the Illuminati and their Babylonian Brotherhood.
Truth Vibrations is the first book in David Icke's series of exposÃs that explore the hidden agenda behind the global manipulation of humanity by a network of interdimensional entities and their human agents. He explains how these entities feed off our fear and negative emotions, and how they use religion, politics, media, education, science, and technology to keep us in a state of ignorance and enslavement.
He also reveals how he discovered the truth vibration, an energy frequency that can break us out of our hypnotized state and allow us to access our true consciousness and infinite potential. He describes his encounters with master souls from other dimensions who guided him on his journey of awakening and helped him to balance the earth's energy systems. He also discusses his visions of the Age of Aquarius, a new era of peace, harmony, and enlightenment that is emerging as more and more people awaken to their true nature.
Truth Vibrations is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the hidden forces that shape our world and our destiny. It is also a source of hope and inspiration for those who want to join David Icke in his mission to expose the lies and spread the truth. As he says in his book, \"The truth shall set you free.\"
In this article, we will review some of the most important and controversial books by David Icke that explore his theories and revelations about the truth vibrations and the global conspiracy. We will also look at some of the criticisms and challenges he has faced from the mainstream media, academia, and the authorities.
The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World
This is one of David Icke's most popular and influential books, published in 1998. It exposes the hidden history of humanity and the secret agenda of the Babylonian Brotherhood to create a global dictatorship. It also reveals the shocking truth about the royal families, the bloodlines, the reptilians, and their connection to ancient civilizations, religions, and occult societies.
David Icke claims that he has uncovered evidence that many of the world's leaders, celebrities, and influential figures are actually reptilian shape shifters who belong to a hybrid race that originated from the constellation of Draco. He says that these reptilians have infiltrated all levels of society and have been manipulating human events for thousands of years. He also says that they are behind some of the most horrific crimes and atrocities committed against humanity, such as wars, genocides, pedophilia, ritual abuse, and satanic sacrifices.
David Icke also explains how the reptilians use mind control, symbolism, rituals, and false flag operations to keep humans in a state of fear and ignorance. He says that they have created a false reality based on lies and deception that prevents humans from realizing their true nature and potential. He also says that they have suppressed the knowledge of the truth vibrations, which are an energy frequency that can awaken humans to their multidimensional consciousness and free them from the reptilian matrix.
Truth Vibrations: From TV Celebrity to World Visionary
This is David Icke's first book in his series of exposÃs, published in 1991. It tells his personal story of how he underwent a spiritual awakening that changed his life forever. He describes how he visited a psychic who told him he was on Earth for a purpose and would receive messages from the spirit world. He also describes how he started to have visions and synchronicities that led him to travel around the world and meet various sensitives who confirmed his mission.
David Icke says that he was guided by master souls from other dimensions who taught him about the mysteries of life and the prophetic revelations for the future of humanity. He says that he learned about the truth vibrations, which are an energy frequency that is increasing on Earth as part of a cosmic cycle. He says that these vibrations are awakening people to their true selves and breaking down the illusions of the reptilian matrix.
David Icke also shares his insights into some of the phenomena that are occurring on Earth as a result of the truth vibrations, such as crop circles, UFOs, near-death experiences, and paranormal abilities. He also talks about his visions of the Age of Aquarius, which is a new era of peace, love, and harmony that will emerge after a period of great turmoil and transformation. He says that this is the time for humans to remember who they are and where they come from.
The Answer
This is David Icke's latest book, published in 2020. It summarizes his decades of research and experience into the nature of reality and the global conspiracy. It also offers his solutions and suggestions for how humans can overcome their challenges and create a better world. He says that this book is his most important work so far.
David Icke says that he has found the answer to all the problems and questions that plague humanity. He says that the answer is simple: infinite love. He says that infinite love is the only truth and everything else is illusion. He says that infinite love is our true nature and our true power. He says that infinite love is what connects us to our source, to each other, and to everything else in existence.
David Icke also explains how we can access this infinite love within ourselves and express it in our lives. He says that we need to free ourselves from the programming and conditioning that have been imposed on us by the Babylonian Brotherhood and their Archontic influences. He says that we need to reclaim our sovereignty and our creativity. He says that we need to expand our awareness beyond the limitations of our five senses and our physical body. He says that we need to fill our hearts with ec8f644aee