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Hi Ekelwe. There are many steps to take to overcome this habit, but it is possible by the power of God. I recommend you read through our free e-book Your Brain on Porn and then ask me if you have any questions about what to do next.
Second, I highly recommend you talk to good Christian friends about this issue. You need accountability in your life. Who have you told about this If you need ideas, you can download another free book called Coming Clean. It is all about how accountability can overcome the power of lust.
A friend of mine recently told me that he has been struggling with a pornography addiction and I wanted to do some research to see if there was any way I could help him. I really liked the advice to not only get rid of the pornography, but to stop it from coming in. I am going to recommend that my friend downloads a pornography blocker and hopefully he can make the right steps towards recovery.
Thank you for your honesty! Expressing your desire to be free is the first step towards recovery! I know that it can be scary to talk about your addiction with someone else, but doing so will lift a huge weight off of your shoulders! Do you have a close friend or mentor whom you can talk to 1e1e36bf2d